El Drogas

Miguelet el drogas


Si decimos Enrique Villareal, seguramente poca gente sabrá quién es. Pero si decimos El Drogas, la cosa cambia. El mítico músico celebra 40 años de carrera con la gira “El Drogas – Barricada 40”, una serie de conciertos exclusivos de sus canciones de los años en los que fue bajista y cantante de Barricada, una de las bandas más influyentes del rock español.

Con este característico nombre, ha llevado a los escenarios de todo el país las canciones con fuerte crítica social y letras reivindicativas que han caracterizado al grupo, que fundó en 1982. Ahora, regresa con ocho conciertos, entre ellos el que ofrecerá en la Sala Apolo el próximo 26 de mayo.

The Drug

Much is still unknown about the chemical compounds associated with kratom, the safety and short- and long-term health effects of kratom consumption, or the potential therapeutic applications of kratom. NIDA funds and conducts research on kratom and associated chemical compounds to help guide related policy and decision making on kratom consumption (See What research is NIDA conducting on kratom?).

Typically, users consume kratom by ingesting natural powdered or capsulated plant matter, mixing kratom powder with food or beverages, brewing the leaves as a tea, or drinking liquid kratom extract.1 Kratom users report effects similar to both stimulants (increased energy, alertness, and rapid heart rate) and opioids and sedatives (relaxation, pain relief, and confusion).10,17 Studies and case reports also indicate rare serious side effects that may be related to kratom or to individual kratom compounds.1,9 (See What effect does kratom have on the body; Are there risks associated with kratom?)

Caradura el drogas

Amey, C. H. y Albrecht, S. T. (1998). Race and ethnic differences in adolescent drug use: The impact of family structure and the quantity and quality of parental interaction. Journal of Drug Issues, 28, 283-298.

Bjarnason, T., Anderson, B., Choquet, M., Elekes, Z., Morgan, M. y Rapinett, G. (2003). Alcohol culture, family structure and adolescent alcohol use: Multilevel modeling of frequency of heavy drinking among 15-16 year old students in 11 European countries. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 64, 200-208.

Carlson, E. A., Egeland, B. y Sroufe, L. A. (2009). A prospective investigation of the development of borderline personality symptoms. Development and Psychopathology, 21, 1131-1334. doi: 10.1017/s0954579409990174.

Caton, C. L. M., Shrout, P. E., Eagle, P. F., Opler, L. A., Felix, A. y Dominguez, B. (1994). Risk factors for homelessness among schizophrenic men: A case-control study. American Journal of Public Health, 84, 265-270. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.84.2.265.

Chedid, M., Romo, L. y Chagnard, E. (2009). Consommation du cannabis chez les adolescents: liens entre structure, cohesion, hiérarchie familiales et niveau de consummation. Annales Médico Psychologiques, 167, 541-543. doi: 10.1016/j.amp.2009.06.012.

CDC Vital Signs: Drug Overdose Deaths

The Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, which created the Office of National Drug Control Policy, was the result of a bipartisan (Democratic and Republican) effort. It was co-sponsored in the House of Representatives by the leaders of both parties, Tom Foley and Robert Michel,[8] and passed by margins of 346-11 and 87-3 in the House and Senate, respectively.[9] After signing the bill into law, Ronald Reagan said, “This bill is the result of a bipartisan effort.”[10] The law was passed in the House of Representatives in 1988.

Despite the fact that cocaine production in Colombia fell with the implementation of Plan Colombia, the United Nations stated that in 2005, despite record levels of eradication by the U.S., coca production increased by 330 square miles (854.7 km²).[19] In the spring of 1998, the OAS and the U.S. government announced that the U.S. government would continue to eradicate cocaine from the country.

In the spring of 1998, ONDCP began offering additional advertising dollars to television stations that included anti-drug messages in their programming. They developed an accounting system to decide which television programs were of value to them and how much. After receiving advance copies of scripts, they would assign a financial value to each program’s anti-drug message. They would then suggest ways in which the networks could increase the amount of money they received. WB vice president for programming standards Rick Mater admitted, “The White House did read the scripts. They did approve them–they did read the scripts, yes.”[20]